ArcUSA 1:2M

Coordinate system: 4269 - "NAD83"


The ArcUSA™ 1:2M database is a comprehensive vector basemap of the coterminous United States at a scale of 1:2 million. Features include state and county boundaries, hydrography, roads, railroads, place names, and federal lands. Index layers include latitude/longitude grids, a Landsat satellite scene index, and USGS quadrangle indexes for 1:24,000-, 1:100,000-, and 1:250,000-scale maps. Attributes for states and counties include 1990 census data; socioeconomic, demographic, and health statistics (from the mid-1980s); agricultural product and market value statistics; local government finance statistics; and general land use and soils information. Also includes 1:25 million-scale map data.

Available on CD Rom from the Map and Data Library. CD #052.