Water Lot - Replaced

Coordinate system: 4269 - "NAD83"


Retirement Note: Data in this layer has been integrated into:

  • Patent Land External
  • Crown Land - MNR Non-Freehold Dispositions Public
  • Please note that the above datasets are available from the Land Information Ontario (LIO) Warehouse.

    A Water Lot is a polygon feature that identifies a piece of land that underlies a waterbody. These include boathouses, docks, breakwalls, sewage treatment plants etc. Different Water Lot types collected by the Natural Resources Values Information System (NRVIS) include commercial and private entities.

    Supplementary tables can be used and are available for download from the additional documentation section. Supplementary look-up table descriptions are available in the SNIF document, which is available for download from the additional documentation section. This layer is part of what was known as the OMNR Fundamental Dataset.

    Additional Documentation