Soil Survey ComplexCoordinate system: 4269 - "NAD83" Abstract:Revision Note: Please note that this dataset has been revised and is available from the Land Information Ontario (LIO) Warehouse. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in cooperation with the Ministry of Natural Resources, are compiling a high quality, detailed, geo-spatial soils database for Southern Ontario. This new database consolidates the existing digital soil data mapped on a county basis onto a digitally stitched and standardized product. Soil surveys were conducted on a county by county basis in agricultural Southern Ontario beginning in 1929 and continuing to the present day. The original survey data has been aligned to the Ontario digital base and adjacent surveys have been edgematched to remove gaps and overlaps. The data standard for soil surveys is aligned to be consistent with a national framework. The Detailed Soil Survey data for Ontario classified according to federal standard (CANSIS). Currently Soil Map Units are differentiated by province and soil survey. Over time, these will become more generatlized to provide a standard classification across surveys within the province. Some Soil Map Units use older OSIS classification but over time their soil types will be described via the more comprehensive CANSIS system. |