QuickBird Satellite Imagery - Source Water Protection: Pan sharpened imagery, false colour

Coordinate system: 3857 - "WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere)"


The Source Water Protection QuickBird Imagery Project constitutes a high-resolution satellite imagery data set for approximately 120,000 km2 in the Province of Ontario. This data consists of orthorectified image derivatives from the Level Basic-1B bundled imagery provided to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) by Digital Globe, Inc.

Pansharpened images (60 - 70 cm true colour composites) are required for mapping applications that require high-resolution background imagery. Additional image derivatives, such as enhanced Multispectral and Greyscale (Panchromatic) products (GeoTIFF and MrSID formats) may also be generated depending on requirements. Raw (Basic-1B) imagery was secured from Digital Globe to ensure that the orthorectification process could be conducted under the supervision of OMNR staff, with an adherence to the geospatial standards of the Natural Resources Values Information System (NRVIS).