Forest Processing Facility

Coordinate system: 4269 - "NAD83"


Revision Note: Please note that this dataset has been revised and is available from the Land Information Ontario (LIO) Warehouse.

This dataset contains sites occupied by a facility that processes or converts forest resources as defined by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Industry Relations Branch e.g.: Pulp/Paper/Paperboard, Sawmill, Veneer etc. Each facility has one or more processing sites, each dedicated to processing resources for a specific purpose. For example: A Pulp/Paper/Paperboard facility has one processing site to produce pulp, and another one dedicated to producing paper.

Supplementary tables can be used and are available for download from the additional documentation section. Supplementary look-up table descriptions are available in the data description document, which is available for download from the additional documentation section. This layer is part of what was known as the OMNR Non-Fundamental Dataset.

Additional Metadata:

Additional Documentation