Geographic Attribute File (GAF), 2006 CensusCoordinate system: 4269 - "NAD83" Abstract:The Geographic Attribute File is a dataset that contains census geographic information at the Dissemination Block level for all of Canada for the 2006 census. Dissemination Blocks are the smallest geographic area for which population and dwelling count data are disseminated. Each record includes geographic coordinates, population and dwelling counts, land area, names, unique identifiers, and geographic codes for linkages with other census boundaries. The original dataset is available from Statistics Canada as a text file (.txt) or an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx). For viewing in Scholars GeoPortal, the dataset was converted from its original tabular format into a Shapefile format using the point coordinates available for each record. These coordinates are only for Dissemination Areas, not Dissemination Blocks, so in some cases, there are several points at the same location (where a Dissemination Area is composed of several Dissemination Blocks). The original data tables, and other supporting files and documentation, are available as additional downloads from Scholars GeoPortal. |